Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Giveaway!!! (ENDED)

Congrats Flower Murray! Please email me at

So I'm having my first ever giveaway! I'm super duper excited! It's not very big, but it is something! Okay the giveaway is for 1 SF Style Club code.
* Note, You have to have an account on SF Style Club.

I'm really excited. Here is how you enter. Comment below your favorite YouTube video on my Channel.
I'm picking out of a hat.
You can have more than one entry. You can get more entries by giving me a shoutout on instagram\Blogger\YouTube (1 shoutout= 1 entry) 
My instagram is Justagloversrelate
The contest ends on April 1st!
Spread the word! Please don't comment on other blogs that I'm having a contest. I find that annoying.

Thanks ILY

Ps. I have a question. Should I post the photo shoot I took a few days ago?
anyways Happy Spring Break!


  1. I would like to enter! I like "All around the world, one step at a time with Claire. Episode One"! That is a really nice video! I shared about this on my blog, instagram, face book, and twitter. I also shared on youtube. I liked your video.

  2. Quiv ill enter! my ffffffffffffffavvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvorite vid is all of em!

  3. I would like to enter! I like "Molly's Tap Dance!~An AGSM"! Definitely post the photo shoot!!!

  4. Enter me please! I LOVE Molly's Tap Dance! :)
