Thursday, March 28, 2013

How to do a Ballet Bun

A Ballet Bun is super cute and stylish. So why not do it on your dolls? Here is a tutorial on how to do this super easy and super cute hair style.

What You'll Need
* an AG hairbrush
* 2 hair ties
* Styling cape ( I couldn't find my styling cape so I used a bandana)

Step 1.
Tie the bandanna around your doll's neck

Now brush your doll's hair

Step 2
Put your dolls hair into a high pony tail. ( You don't want your pony tail to be too high)

Step 3:

Take the pony tail and twist it around your finger

Step 4
Twist the pony tail around the hair tie

Step 5
Put your other hair tie around the bun. (sorry about my hand)

Now your doll has a super cute hairstyle!
Don't forget to enter my giveaway! It end April 1st
You can send pictures of your dolls rocking this hairstyle to 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Giveaway!!! (ENDED)

Congrats Flower Murray! Please email me at

So I'm having my first ever giveaway! I'm super duper excited! It's not very big, but it is something! Okay the giveaway is for 1 SF Style Club code.
* Note, You have to have an account on SF Style Club.

I'm really excited. Here is how you enter. Comment below your favorite YouTube video on my Channel.
I'm picking out of a hat.
You can have more than one entry. You can get more entries by giving me a shoutout on instagram\Blogger\YouTube (1 shoutout= 1 entry) 
My instagram is Justagloversrelate
The contest ends on April 1st!
Spread the word! Please don't comment on other blogs that I'm having a contest. I find that annoying.

Thanks ILY

Ps. I have a question. Should I post the photo shoot I took a few days ago?
anyways Happy Spring Break!

Monday, March 25, 2013

I Need A New Design

I need a new design! Does anyone know someone who make designs ? Please comment below!
Thanks and I'm going to post a new You Tube video today.


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My interview With Toygirl02!

My Interview with Toygirl! 
Here's my answers
1 Hi I am Toygirl02! I never really liked dolls well expect for barbies.That was really it! I found about AG in 2011 but didn't get my doll until march 17th which is my doll Amanda-Grace's birthday! The dolls are throwing her a surprise party!
2 I have youtube which is and a blog which
3 I have 8 ag dolls 1 bitty baby about 80 to 94 barbies! I haven't really counted in awhile so it might be more.One spring field,1 bff doll company doll,1 tinkerbell disney doll,a strawberry short cake doll,1 la dee da I think thats it
4 I got my first AG doll last year march I will have AG dolls for a year on Sunday! I got my first barbie when I was like three.
5 Teen Ficton lately but I usally read ag books
6 Niether never read the books or watched the movie,meh it really doesn't stand out to me
7 I am very odd so I don't drink coke or pepsi!
8 Averge like I am smart just not a know it all.
9 I don't have a phone but I have an Ipod
10 I don't like josh hutcherson.
Well thanks love for the interview!
Thanks for the lovey interview!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Interview with Flower Murray

Here are the questions:
1. State your name and anything you want to tell the readers of my blog.
2. Do you have a blog/youtube/instagram/flickr If so please write the links.
3. Do you have any dolls? If so how many and what kind(s)
4. When did you get your first doll if you have any
5. What kinds of books do you like to read Teen Ficton or Nonficton
6. Twilight or The Hunger Games.
7. Coke or Pespis ( I don't think I spelled that right)
8. Math A or Math B?
9. Nerd or Average
10 Have a Phone?
11. Do you like Josh Hutcherson?
Here are the answers:
1.I'm Flower! I love sewing crafting baking and all thy fun stuff!!
2. I have on blog......
3. I have two dolls! One is an American Girl and her name is Molly! The other is a vintage doll names Crissy!
4. I Molly my first doll for christmas of 2009!
5. I like most books!! I really like fantasy and westerns! I love all books though!
6. I don't like vampire and LOVE the Hunger Games so that was an easy question for me. :)
7. Coke! Pepsi is too sweet.
8. A++++++ :)
9. Nerd! I'm not nerdy I'm just smart!
10. I have an iPhone I bought with my own money off Craigslist for 60 dollars! I don't have phone service though! I use it as an iPod.
11. Yes, I used to be crazy about him but not really anymore.

Thanks so much!! That was sooo fun!
Flower :)
Thanks Flower for this wonderful interview!
Go check out her blog HERE
Okay do you want to be interveiwed?
If so email me at
I changed my instgram username it is now
@justagloversrelate ! Follow meh! I follow back!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Interveiw Week!

This week is interveiw week! I've done a few interveiws, but if you want to be interveiwed email me at Don't forget to send pictures if I interveiw you!